Author: Tom Locke
Spoiled Horses
From the way we use language, the term “spoiled” can take on different connotations for the user from “absolutely ruined” to “living in the lap of luxury”. This range of interpretation is common in the equine world. Someone might see a horse and say, “that horse is spoiled” the owner then gushes and say, “yes…
Doubling – some thoughts
In his book, Hackamore Reinsman, Ed Connell talks about the process of doubling a horse, but his description is a little fragmented and perhaps even vague. Ed says that they “should be pulled on foot before they are ridden”. He goes on to say, “they should be turned around completely”. There are several paragraphs about…
Improper Jaquima Use
Using a Jaquima incorrectly may be better than using a bit for many horses and riders.