
  • Improper Jaquima Use

    Improper Jaquima Use

    Using a Jaquima incorrectly may be better than using a bit for many horses and riders.

  • Developing Timing

    Developing Timing

    Developing timing is something anyone can do, if they work at it.  To get better at timing you have to be aware of what it is as well as why it is important.  So, let’s start with why it’s important, in psychology there are basically two types of conditioning that are commonly referred to, “operant…

  • Breed Specific Training

    Breed Specific Training

    When it comes to horses, we all have our preferences, whether we prefer a certain look or a particular function, and for some people it’s just a perceived connection.  Some folks “feel” like they really connected with a particular horse because of its approach when they first encountered it.  Whatever your reason for selecting a…
