The way people think is vastly different from the way horses think, and since horses don’t value the same kinds of goals and aspirations as humans they aren’t likely to change. Horses, for the most part, are quite predictable, of sure some are more alert and some are more sensitive, but in essence they are still all horses.
People on the other are extremely complex, we are needy, selfish, ignorant, spiteful, sensitive, intelligent, capable of complex reasoning, egotistical, manic depressive, irresponsible, self deprecating, spiritual, insightful, compassionate, philosophical, political, manipulative, and so much more.
The horse does the best it can to get along with the least amount of fuss or trouble. Most of the “bad” things a horse does, it does because a human taught it to do that. If we change the way we think, and we are capable of doing so, by seeking to understand the nature of the horse, the horse will have the opportunity to do fewer “bad” things because we will understand more clearly that the horse’s reaction is perfectly reasonable in relation to the way we presented it with information.
As Ray Hunt said “the horse is always right” but that doesn’t mean the way horse reacted was “correct” he simply meant that the horse’s reaction was right in line with what the horse understood we were asking of him. Presentation, it’s all about the presentation.